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Maintaining a Work Life Balance as a Creative Business Owner

Many, if not all, creative business owners are multifaceted when it comes to requirements on their time. They are often married and either parents, have multiple businesses, or sometimes both. I’ve found this is true for writers, photographers, designers, and Makers.

When work, family, and health all consist within the same physical structure, the divide between each becomes blurry. This past year has added an even heavier dimension on this balancing act. Family begins encroaching on the space previously dedicated to work or vice versa. Managing to find the separation required for each is difficult for anyone which causes some negative beliefs to begin sinking into our minds.

Common Struggles

I’ve seen these conflicted creators constantly choose between work and family. The constant multi-tasking is stressful and they are convinced their business will never be as big as it could be, until their kids leave the home. The choice appears to be a growing business or attending a child’s soccer game.

This common struggle doesn’t set off red flags initially. We’ve been told entrepreneurs must hustle to be successful so we keep going, hopeful it will get easier. As the hustle and chaos continue for weeks and then months, we’re stretched thin and begin to think, this isn’t for me.

Sound familiar?

How to Balance

There is another way to manage this stress and chaos. Once a creator understands and accepts that life as an entrepreneur is not linear, things begin to clear. We must continuously learn and adjust. While constant change sounds like it might be stressful, done the right way, creates relief.

To move from conflicted to clear, you’ll need to build a daily schedule that allows for flexibility while still prioritizing the work required to build and maintain a business. This will require an honest review of current time allowances in all areas of your life.

Once you let go of the common beliefs holding you back and lean into owning your own schedule rather that looking at what others are doing, you’ll find a balance. This mindset shift occurs as you being to evaluate, prioritize, and realign your business with your goals. A whole new world of time and work management will open up, allowing for a thriving life.

  • Honestly evaluate available time

  • Schedule dedicated time to each facet of your life

  • Attempt to physically separate work and home life

  • Use systems to prioritize and track

  • Realign your time with your goals, personal and professional


It is possible to run a successful business, rest, and still be there for your family. To let go of the confliction, you must be willing to become agile and release the comparison mindset to become infinite. These small and continuous changes will allow you to live life as an entrepreneur clearly.