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Four Tendencies Personality

There is no ‘one size fits all’.

This is true of diet, workouts, business, or personality.

We all have our own pieces to the puzzle. Yes, personality tests like Four Tendencies, Enneagram, Human Design… could go on and on, give us a little taste but not the whole picture.

I use Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies Quiz with my clients because I want to know generally how they handle expectations. Their results give me a little glimpse into them when we are just starting to know each other. You can take her quiz for free and see where you fall in the spectrum.

  • Obligers are the biggest group. They love (and need) accountability for their goals, enjoy teamwork, and following a plan someone else created.

  • Questioners want to know why. They want justification for any action (think ROI along with any other statistics and data).

  • Upholders is the group I land in. They want to know what should be done and they will get it done, no micromanaging needed. This group of people like planning (no surprise here!).

  • Rebels are born to be free. They aren’t going to do anything just because you told them to. They need to understand who they are and what they want (self-identify) before taking action.

I use this information, along with the rest of my onboarding assessment, to make sure I’m serving my clients the best way possible. If we don’t understand how we respond and why, there won’t be much room for growth. As business owners, we should ALWAYS look for ways to learn, grow, and expand ourselves in order to help our business succeed.

Knowing how you respond to the idea of change and commitment can help guide your decisions and the help you hire as you move forward in business. Understanding your own strengths and weaknesses can help you spot potential problems or identify the root cause of an issue.